STeve. Remember me?

Comments and requests to DOFANTASY.COM artists and art staff. Send your ideas, fantasies, stories, whatever you want to see in a coming DOFANTASY.COM comic.
Posts: 369

Re: STeve. Remember me?

Post by surrenderdorathy »

Thank you. I've read snatcher 3 a few times now and I love that Snatcher decided to keep Cathy and had her all sealed up in a catsuit and hood. It's a great idea. It's like we've added a 3rd member to the crew. The snatcher, his bald fat friend and their latex f@ck pet or whatever Geoff decides her new role is going to be. Either way can't wait for snatcher 4.
Posts: 12

Re: STeve. Remember me?

Post by manu44 »

Also love your work. You are appreciated more than know.
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Posts: 120

Re: STeve. Remember me?

Post by STeve »

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words.
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