Hi everone! This is my first post. Long time fan of the site.
I just wanted to express my appreciation for Geoff Merrick, and the artists who have contributed to his stories to the site. Whether it's those delightful Librarian comics (will they ever be continued???) or Merrick's collaborations with Deuce (Vulture and The Snatcher are both hauntingly erotic) or his more recent collaborations with the artist Steve, I just wanted to express my gratitude. Merrick pin-points the exact kind of psychological drama and eroticism that I love about BDSM fantasies. Many BDSM comics, not to name names, are too quick to go straight into penetration without much thought for the kind of delightfully creepy foreplay and psychological "damel-in-distress" roleplay that makes bondage so exciting for me. And I recall coming across something, maybe it was an interview, where he described himself as a "feminist perv", and that's also something that I appreciate.
Anyways, keep up the good work Merrick!